Coexistence with other libraries

TensorFlow isn’t really meant to be used like another library in a larger program. But, that’s my mid game. My goal right now is to:

  1. Compile TensorFlow locally and output a shared object.
  2. Install it to an opt location to a) not clash with the two other installs of TF I have :eyerollemoji: and b) bundle it up with a larger statically deployable install.
  3. Link to the .so from another program that uses cmake to call TF through the C API. (cmake is the most popular build system for scientific software.)

Right now I’m working on a Linux box. I’ll update this with the OSX (are peopling saying macOS yet?) equivalents when I get there.

Setting up the requirements

Following the bazel instructions for Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
echo "deb [arch=amd64] stable jdk1.8" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bazel.list
curl | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install bazel

Now I clone into TensorFlow in some local working directory,

git clone --recursive

and dive in.

Adding the .so target

I’m following this guide by cjweeks. Into tensorflow/BUILD, we toss in at the end

# Added build rule
    name = "",
    linkshared = 1,
    linkopts = ["-Wl,--version-script=tensorflow/"], # Remove this line if you are using MacOS
    deps = [

Configure it

A subtlety to the TensorFlow build process is that it doesn’t actually install it. This is the rundown:

  1. Answer the questions in the ./configure script (no command line options)
  2. Run the bazel build process for the target
  3. Install it with pip.

which is different from the usual ./configure --prefix=/opt ; make install we’re familiar with.

TODO: Add arguments to configure and

cjweek has a But, this is a cmake project, so why don’t we have a CMakeLists.txt.

The process is:

./configure # User input needed
bazel build
copy what we want